Another week indoors.  Seems like this weather is never going to give part timers like me a break!

I tried my hand at Racket Ball on Monday instead of squash, only to discover I'm even worse at it - didn't think that was possible!  Finished the session off with a work out in the gym.  It was my first session for a while and I've got a lot of work to do.  I had a couple of light indoor spin sessions and a 30min run outdoors through the week.  Friday saw me recovered enough to venture back into the gym.  20min hill spin and some leg weights.  Leg Press - 100 reps (30 + 40 + 30).  Calf Raise - 100 reps (50 + 50), I can still feel the damage from the last set of 50.

I was really looking forward to the weekend and a chance to go outdoors again.  A quick call to Neil at 7am and the plan was hatched.  We met on Springfield road and took a route through a nearby waterlogged field and popped out in the middle of Den Wood (south side of Hazelhead Golf Course), we followed the trail signs to Countesswells Wood.  According to my google maps app, we followed trails through Gairnhill Wood and Kingshill Wood before returning along the same route back to Springfield Road.  A total of 3 slow motion crashes and 14 muddy miles on the forest trails, not bad for a urban start point.  By the time I'd got back home, I'd covered 26 miles and been out in the cold for 3hrs 30mins... 26miles on a mountain bike feels, to me, more like 50 on a road bike!

Today, return of the wintery shower.  Not to my liking at all.  I set off trying to bag another 25 miles.  I managed about 2 miles before the showers started to kick in.  The cycle paths were covered in snow and the slick road tyres were having a hard job keeping upright so I called it quits and headed for home, safe to fight another day.  Slightly disappointed with my efforts for the week, but that seems to have been the way these last few wintery weeks.  I am happy enough with the general trend, always enjoying the outdoors when the chance comes.

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