I was hoping to get some nice long road miles in this week to help build my base stamina (that I so badly neglected in the last quarter of 2012), but for me it simply wasn't possible so I had to improvise.

I went out for a couple of runs using my old Solomon goretex trainers, I'd forgotten how good they were - great shoe.  Conditions weren't best suited to fast times but it got the heart rate going and got some much needed fresh air in the lungs.  I had a couple of games of squash / rest days from the bike.  Spent a decent amount of time on that spin bike that I thought was a waste of money (now looks like it might have been a master stroke - thanks Russell) and of course, I took my new (new to me) mountain bike out for her maiden voyage.

Think it might be the most fun I've had on a bike for a while and trying to pedal up those short sharp hills with the back wheel spinning away certainly got the lactic fired up.  I pulled together a short video (in the "New Adventures" section), I don't think it's going to receive any oscar nominations but it was a bit of fun.

Back to the spin bike / turbo trainer or whatever anyone has for indoor cardio.  Not sure if it's just me but I have problems maintaining a heart rate above about 130, where as outside I struggle to keep it below 150-160.  And indoors 30 mins feels like an hour and an hour feels like an eternity.  The only thing I can console myself with at the moment is that every hour spent on that thing makes the hills of the Cairngorms just that fraction easier, and therefore more enjoyable!

20/1/2013 03:14:31 am

I have a similar problem with elevating the HR on the spinner. I'll start at around 90-100, and it feels like I'm having to work really hard to get it above 120. Exact opposite outdoors, I'd need to have a blast on a wattbike to see exactly what the pedals are doing. Keep it up showpiece, only a month to go to the WHW-GGW...

Joe Nicolson
20/1/2013 03:33:50 am

My permission slip has only been signed off as far as Fort William for extraction by the family. But if those hills are snow covered it's going to be slow progress!


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