Another excellent display from the Wheelers, picking up the team trophy again with Lee 2nd, Me 3rd and Jono 4th.

The photo shows most of the lads, some having to nip off straight away for family commitments.  I think we managed to post 5 of the top 7 times showing that our increased participation in winter training has proven a good yield on our time investment.

This race took place just 7 days after our triumph at the Massie Shield.  This week riding the dual carriageway from Laurencekirk to the flyover at Stracathro Services and back.  Potentially quite a fast course, however this day saw us cycling head on into an 18mph wind for the first half which scuppered most folks chances of a PB.  The other concern was the few notable potholes which had emerged after a long cold winter.  Out of the field of around 50 that started, there was 5 punctures (I think), 2 or 3 of which were Wheelers.  There would have been more if it wasn't for a couple of helpful Deeside Thistle lads standing by the blighters that scuppered their chances and guided the rest of the riders safely by (where possible).

The other concern I had before getting to the start line was the dual carriageway itself and how the motorists would react to 50 lycra clad speed demons, setting off 60 seconds apart, trying to average as high up the 20mphs as possible.  But after the first mile or so I felt totally at ease.  All the cars, vans and trucks crossed over to the right hand lane and were very respectful.  It has to be said that the marshals did a great job with the signs, flags and colourful jackets.  I won't have any concerns attending another Deeside Thistle event.

As for my performance, I managed to knock 3 seconds off my PB, getting down to 22m 51s.  A step in the right direction, but hopefully more to come if I can get an honest run.

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