Well, I was going to go for an easy jog this morning but when I finally rose from my slumber I peeked through the curtains and instantly changed my mind.  I find that I can quite happily go for a jog when it's wet and windy, but cycling in that is just a bit less safe.  So with that, I decided to make hay and enjoy the morning.

With one eye on tomorrow's ride with the wheelers I decided I would try to aim for 20 miles.  Keep it fairly easy for most... easier said than done.  I set off fairly comfortably but within 5 minutes I was up to my old tricks and racing myself to the next junction and trying to grind out hill sections.  If you go to the top of the page and click on the "Garmin Connect" button you can see what I got up to (let me know if the link doesn't work).  I did have the presence of mind to stop every now and again to take a photo, swig some water and generally enjoy the quiet roads.

Having recently moved house, I'm fairly new to the roads around Aberdeenshire.  But by the looks of things I could almost take a different route every time.  Lots of parallel roads, a variety of hills and loops.  I think I'll try to make a top 5 list later in the proceedings, but the one this morning is going to be hard to shake.  I saw 3 cyclists and about 5 cars (until I rejoined the main road for the last 4-5 miles).

4 days in and my supplemental Christmas weight has gone. I just need to shift the other 15-20lbs, I sneaked on over the last 2 years...

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