Ash Wednesday tomorrow and the chance for a 'Mulligan' with regards all the things we said we would give up at New Year.  For me, that means bye-bye to traditional confectionary (sweeties and chocolates).  

Somebody who's opinion I regard highly recently suggested that getting to that fighting weight is 20% exercise, 80% diet.  Weighed myself this morning and loomed over the scales at a mighty 200 lbs, bang on the button.  For someone that's hoping to climb the mountains in Mallorca shortly, followed by the Alps in July, that's about 25 lbs too heavy!

I don't think I'll ever loose all 25 of them but I might stand a chance with 18 lbs.  I also once heard, and this could be total nonsense, that to burn 1 lb of fat you have to burn about 3,000 kcal.  So that's what?... 54,000 kcal?  

I reckon I eat about 700 kcal of confectionary per day, so 40 days of that would be 28,000 kcal (9.3 lbs of fat).  Timinghat should lead on nicely to the Mallorca trip.  1 week in the mountains should maybe shed another 3-4 lbs.  That should hopefully bring me down to 187 lbs at the start of April.  Not the target weight but a fighting chance of achieving it come summer.

So, Maynards Sports Mix, until the next time - I bid you adieu.

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